Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions. We will miss having John on our team, but our loss can be your gain. Your university course will be academic - youll normally need an academic reference although if that isnt possible then you can supply a work based reference instead (but its possible that a university may ask for a supplementary reference from an academic referee after you apply). John offers all these skills, plus adaptability and grace under pressure.

In particular, I know that you’re seeking someone with exceptional customer service and telephone skills, as well as the ability to get up to speed quickly with proprietary software. In his time at Pacific, he has shown the technical, organizational, and interpersonal skills that make for a truly exceptional administrative assistant.

I highly recommend John for your assistant position. His dedication and willingness to work long hours to get the job done have made him a favorite team member for everyone on staff. He quickly became one of our most valued employees, the person everyone went to with questions and special projects. He started as an intern and quickly rose to an administrative position while still attending classes at Ocean Community College.

John Wilson has worked for me here at Pacific Corp. Wee take you through what you need to how whenever you've been asked to write an academic or practical reference for a UCAS Conservatoires applicant. 41 East 14th Street, Fourth Floor New York, New York, 10001 Before you start writing the reference some guidance. Jane Williams Pacific Corp 47 Ocean Street, Suite 12 Los Angeles, CA 90001 (555)456-7890 18, 2021Īndrew Lee Atlantic Operations, Inc.