Modal verbs exercises could would should ought to must
Modal verbs exercises could would should ought to must

modal verbs exercises could would should ought to must modal verbs exercises could would should ought to must

Max’s father could remember changing his first tyre.

modal verbs exercises could would should ought to must

El padre de Max podía hacer cualquier cosa en el taller. Could se utiliza junto a los verbos de percepción: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, remember y understand.Įjemplo: Max’s father could do everything in the garage.El padre de Max podía hacer de todo en el taller. Could se refiere a habilidades generales.Įjemplo: Max’s father could do everything in the garage.La forma alternativa es was/were able to + infinitivo. En dos años, Max podrá hacer de todo en el taller.Įn pasado se utiliza could + infinitivo. Ejemplo: In two years time, Max will be able to do everything in the garage. La forma alternativa to be able to + infinitivo se puede conjugar en los demás tiempos verbales.

Modal verbs exercises could would should ought to must